In this section you will find the most frequently asked questions and answers (FAQ). If you still need further help or have any other question, please do not hesitate to contact us.

General FAQ

Forgotten your password?

Problems receiving e-mail?

Change group name in portal

Change login e-mail or device name

All about licenses and serial numbers

Device missing in Web Portal? E-Mail typo?

Device specific FAQs

Click here for the FAQ Android

Click here for the FAQ Windows

Forgotten your password?

When you've installed Child Control, you specified an e-mail address. Directly on the child PC you can see which e-mail address was used under Options / About (in case you ever forgot it :-) ...) You can reset the password at any time via our password page on our homepage. For security reasons you will receive a confirmation e-mail. If you do not receive this email within 10 minutes after requesting it on our homepage, please check the spam settings of your email provider.

Problems receiving e-mail?

If the e-mail delivery via our server does not work, but you have received a "successful" message from the program, 95% of the reason is that your mail program/mail provider has classified the Child Control report e-mail as SPAM/Junk. This is also the case if you have requested a "Forgot Password" email and it does not reach your mailbox within 10 minutes.


Often spam filters are dynamic, i.e. it is quite possible that it worked before. Please check your junk/spam folder for the sender of the parental control message It is recommended to save this address in your e-mail program in the address book. You can also send a message to this address directly from your e-mail program. You should receive an automatic reply here. You can request a (new) test mail from Child Control at any time in the E-mail Notification section by clicking on the "Test mail" button. If emails are only partially received (e.g. no stop mail), this may be because the PC was not shut down properly. In case of a simple "power off" or crash no STOP Mail will be sent anymore.

Change group name in portal

You can change the name of a group by clicking on the Filter button in the Web Portal -> Apps (or Program) area and then on the small edit sign next to the group name. See the following screenshot:

Change login e-mail or device name

If you want to use a new or different e-mail address for Child Control, you must completely uninstall the program or app and then reinstall it with the new e-mail address. Licenses are not affected, they are not bound to an email address and can be moved as often as you like. The new e-mail address is only available in the Web Portal *after* you have reinstalled the app or program on the child device. If you want to use (extensive) settings, you can save them via Web Portal -> Settings -> Import/Export (per user) and load them again later. We are working on making this procedure more comfortable in the future.

Device missing in Web Portal? E-Mail typo?

If no devices can be found after logging in to the Web Portal, this is often due to a typo in the e-mail address. You entered this during installation on the children’s Android mobile device or Windows PC. You can display the entered e-mail address as follows:

Android: Start the app and scroll down to the section “About the app”. There you will see the e-mail address you entered. Check the exact spelling. (see screenshot below) Windows: Click on Child Control’s icon in the taskbar. In the info window that appears, first click on Options and then on About. Check the exact spelling. (see screenshot below)

To set a new e-mail address, the software must be completely uninstalled. You will find more instructions in chapter Uninstall. After a successful uninstall, download the current version again from our download page and use the correct e-mail address. If you want to apply (extensive) settings, you can save them via Web Portal -> Settings -> Import/Export (per user) and load them again later.

Screenshot Android

Make sure the given Login e-mail address is 100% correctly entered.

Screenshot Windows

Make sure the given Login e-mail address is 100% correctly entered.