Use the Security section to make additional security settings for the selected device. Settings are different depending on a Android or Windows device.

Security Android

Samsung Security

Security Windows

Security Android

On Android devices, you can select several options to increase security and reduce cheating. Remember that device manufacturers can customize the Android system. For this reason, some security settings may not work on some devices or may not work as expected.


The Settings app on the child device allows you to make changes to the system, such as changing the date or battery-saving programs. You have the choice here of not locking the settings at all, for certain security-related areas, or completely. This is always useful if the child has tried to manipulate the app via the settings.

Additional WakeUps

The additional wake-ups regularly check whether the internal background service of Child Control is still running and restart it if necessary.

Suspected Manipulation

Suspicious actions (such as critical settings like date/time) or other cheats can be (partially) detected by Child Control. In this case the device can be locked automatically for a given time. This option allows you to specify how long the device should be locked. The lock is similar to the "Lock until" function. The lock can be revoked at any time (even before expiration) directly on the device as well as via the Web Portal.

Check Interval

The check interval defines the time period in which banned apps should be checked. The default setting Moderate corresponds to one second and can be increased for powerful devices.


Here you define whether Android notifications should be suppressed when a device limit has expired (alternatively, always). This setting is useful because some notifications also offer the possibility of interaction (e.g. replying to WhatsApp chat) without the corresponding app (WhatsApp) having to be in the foreground. For blocking, Child Control must have explicit access to the notifications. In the default configuration, this is not the case, so the right is not active. You can activate the notification access as follows: On the device, select Settings -> Apps -> Special access. On many devices, this menu item is located in the app overview at the top right (three dots menu). In the Special Access menu, select the sub-item "Notification Access" and activate the switch for the Child Control App here. If desired, notifications will then be blocked immediately if a device limit is active (alternatively, always).

Videos inside WhatsApp

In WhatsApp, linked (Youtube) videos can be played directly in the app. This works even if you have locked the Youtube app. Furthermore, in this case, time is counted for WhatsApp and not for Youtube app. With these settings, you can generally disallow the playback of videos in WhatsApp.

Allowed apps always allowed

If the device is blocked via Web Portal -> Start -> Actions -> "Block until", apps with the access level "Allowed PLUS" (i.e. apps you have always allowed) are also no longer accessible in the default settings. With this setting you can change this behavior and make apps with the access level Allowed PLUS always accessible.

Force boot priority

Tries to make the app's background service load and start as quickly as possible when the device reboots. Unfortunately, this feature is not supported by every device.

Dual Screen

Some devices offer the possibility to display two apps at once (sometimes called splitscreen). Technically, however, the Kisi app can only ever count the currently active app in the foreground. When displaying multiple apps in dualscreen, time counting is not accurate. Activating this option prevents this kind of display.

Popup and PiP

In addition to the dual screen, some device manufacturers also offer the option of displaying apps in a small window, which can overlay other apps. Here, too, time counting might be wrong. Select this option to prevent the popup view.

Sound allowed if limit reached

If a total limit is reached, Child Control also switches off sound in the background. Use the this setting to allow sound (e.g. Spotify) after a total limit has expired.

Samsung Security

On Samsung devices, some system-side restrictions can be made in addition to the above settings. Since these restrictions are not made by the app, but by the Samsung system itself, caution is advised here! You could lock yourself out of the system with some settings! Use the Samsung security settings with caution!

Factory Reset

When Blocked is selected, resetting to factory settings is no longer possible. This restriction also remains in Safe mode.

Safe boot mode

If Blocked is selected, it is no longer possible to start the device in safe mode. In the (rare) event of an error, you may no longer be able to start the device.

Date and time settings

If Blocked is selected, changes to the date and time are prevented by the system. Before setting this option, please check directly on the child device whether the date and time are correct.

Block Settings

When App Settings is selected, the defaults from the Mobile Device Security section (see above) apply. If "Blocked by OS" is selected, the settings on the device are blocked by the system. Settings for WLAN, Bluetooth, etc. are then no longer possible. A (temporary) removal of this block is only possible by resetting this setting here.

Block Popup and PiP

Prevents Samsung devices from displaying content in multi-window mode (picture-in-picture) and also disables the popup view.

Pin app

Prevents the system function "Pin this app" in the "Blocked" setting. A pinned app can result in the lock screen of the Kisi app not being displayed correctly. We recommend blocking the pinning of apps. Note: If this function is blocked and then allowed again, the pinning of apps must also be reactivated in the settings.

Force GPS always on

Select Yes to always enable GPS on the child device and prevent disabling it. A location deactivation of single apps is not affected.

Disable Airplane mode

Select Yes to disable flight mode settings for the user. If flight mode is required (e.g. on an airplane), the device must be turned off completely in this case.

Multi user (tablet only)

Multiple users or a guest user can be used on a Samsung tablet. By creating new users or switching to the guest user, Child Control can be bypassed. Set this setting to Blocked to prohibit creating and switching to other users (including switching to the guest user).

Windows Security

Set here various restrictions for your Windows system. However, these settings are not relevant for internal security. So it is not necessary to lock the task manager explicitly. Even an admin user cannot terminate the Child Control processes in Windows via the task manager. The restrictions in detail:

Disable Command Prompt

Prevents access to MS-DOS and the command prompt. Also, pure DOS programs or batch files from Windows are no longer executable. Choose this point as well if you want absolute system security.


Disable Registry Editor

Prevents calling the Registry Editor (REGEDIT). Since Child Control also stores some of your data directly in the Windows registry, this setting significantly increases your system security.


Disable Control Panel

Access to the Control Panel via the Start menu (Settings) is denied to the respective user. This means that the user can no longer uninstall software, add Windows components via the Control Panel, and much more.


Disable Start/Run

If you select this restriction, the user will no longer be able to call programs directly from the command line. It is also no longer possible to call them directly in the Explorer or via the Task Manager. Of course, the user can still execute the corresponding file via the Explorer (but he has to click through...)


Disable Start/Find

Hides the start menu entry "Search" from the start menu and from various other Windows dialogs. This means that a direct search for files or modification data is no longer possible.


Disable Windows Task Manager

This setting locks the task manager for the user. It is no longer possible to use STR-ALT-ENTF to terminate programs or shoot down tasks. You should choose this restriction if you think that the parental control has been "tricked".


Disable Date/Time Settings

Blocks access to the Windows system clock. Please note: Changing the clock in the BIOS is still possible. For security reasons, you should therefore assign a password to the BIOS. ATTENTION: This setting is only active for the respective user after a restart or complete logout (not user change).


Disable Lock Workstation (Pause)

Prevents calling the Windows lock screen via the key combination WINDOWS + L and via the context menu of the info module (right click on the clock icon of the parental control) in the task bar.


No icon in in the taskbar

If this setting is selected, the user will not be shown any hints and will not be able to see for himself how much time is left for him. The icon in the taskbar is also not visible. If an unwanted internet page is called, the user will not receive a hint, the page will simply not be loaded (or the browser reports a "page not found" error). This setting is suitable for completely "camouflaging" Child Control.


Hide drives

This area displays all active drives (including active network connections) on your computer. Select any drive to hide it in the Explorer. But be careful: The drive will only be hidden and will not be shown in the drive selection, but direct access is still possible.


Tips for unwanted drive starts:

Let's assume you want to prevent starts from the CD-ROM drive (e.g. games). Simply select the allowed programs in the Programs section. In addition, select the button "Allow only these programs" and a CD-ROM game will no longer be able to start. To get a better overview of which programs you should and should not allow, simply install the parental control once for 2-3 weeks without any restrictions. In the log you can see exactly which files your child(ren) has run and which not. You can then easily decide what should be allowed and what not. More information about this in the Programs section.


What to do in case of problems?

In some cases, not all security settings can be set for the respective user. This happens especially when the Windows user profile is in use or does not exist yet. In this case an error message appears in the above section. Therefore, please make sure that any newly created user has been logged into Windows at least once. Problems can also be caused if the corresponding user is logged into Windows "in parallel". This happens if you have selected "Change user" instead of "Log off" in Windows. In very rare cases it can also be a defective Windows user profile. In this (rare) case you can proceed as follows: Temporarily make the corresponding user a computer administrator in the Windows Control Panel. Restart the computer completely and log in with the user name with which it did not work. After logging on, call up Parental Control in this user account itself and set the restrictions in this tab. Then log out and log in again with your account and reset the administrator status if necessary.