Why and what permissions are needed?

Device Administrator

Accessibility Services

Usage Stats

Display over other apps

GPS and Location

Notification Access

How to enable again?

Deactivates itself constantly?

Why and what permissions are needed?

Android's security concept is that an app should only have as many rights on the phone as it actually needs. For example, a calculator app does not need access to your phone or your location data. Android recognizes a variety of different permissions. Depending on what the app wants to use, you need to enable the appropriate rights. Normally you have already set all relevant rights for Child Control when installing the app. As soon as Child Control is installed, access to these system rights are protected with your password. Nevertheless, it can happen that an access right has been deactivated (consciously or unconsciously) again. In this case you will receive a warning message in the Web Portal. In this case, activate the required access right manually via the settings of the child phone or tablet.

Device Administrator (disabled)

When installing Child Control, you have specified that the app is entered as Android device administrator. This setting prevents the app from being easily uninstalled. We have implemented various security measures to ensure that the device administrator is not deactivated.

How to enable again?

Accessibility Services  (disabled)

Accessibility is an installed service that is responsible for web filtering and blocking some system settings. Furthermore, this service helps to detect possible manipulations. Unfortunately, there are some device manufacturers where this right is often deactivated by itself. This can be caused by activated battery-saving programs, among other things. If the Accessibility right is missing, this has no effect on an overall limit or an app/group limit. Only the web filter and the protection of some system settings are affected. This is important for all users where, contrary to expectations, the operating system regularly deactivate themselves (only the case for a few devices).

Having trouble activating? Message about Restricted Setting? See the following FAQ entry for more information.

How to enable again?

Usage Stats (disabled)

In order for Child Control to count times of other apps, access to the usage data is required. Without this right, only the total device time can be counted and restricted, but not individual apps. Furthermore, individual apps cannot be blocked either.

How to enable again?

Display over other apps (disabled)

This is probably the most important of all rights required by Child Control. Some background information: An app like Child Control cannot directly prevent other apps from starting or (as on Windows) terminate other apps/tasks. We can only use the above rights to detect which app is currently running and overlay the lock screen over this app if there is a limit. For the lock screen to be allowed to overlay itself over an existing app or the home screen, the "Display over other apps" right is absolutely necessary for Android versions higher than Android 6. Very old Android versions (Android 6 and below) do not support this permission.

If this permission is missing, Child Control counts the time, but the device cannot be locked.  As of Android 12, system messages are also sometimes sent at irregular intervals that Child Control uses this right. Directly when clicking on this system message, the child can enter the settings and thus possibly manually deactivate this right. You can prevent this by locking the settings under Security and possibly blocking the notifications. Furthermore, depending on the device type, you can also deactivate these system messages / turn off notification for system messages.

How to enable again?

GPS and Location

Find all relevant information about necessary GPS rights in the chapter GPS (Android).

Notification Access

You can block Android notifications via Web Portal -> Security in case of a Device Limit. This setting is useful because some notifications also offer the possibility of interaction (e.g. replying to WhatsApp chat) without the corresponding app (WhatsApp) having to be in the foreground. For blocking, Child Control must have explicit access to the notifications of Android. In the default configuration, this is not the case, so the right is not active. You can activate the notification access as follows: On the device, select Settings -> Apps -> Special access. On many devices, this menu item is located in the app overview at the top right (three dots menu). In the Special Access menu, select the sub-item "Notification Access" and activate the switch for the Child Control App here. If desired, notifications will then be blocked immediately if a device limit is active (alternatively, always).

Having trouble activating? Message about Restricted Setting? See the following FAQ entry for more information.

How to enable again?

If one of the above Android rights is missing (except GPS and Notification access), a corresponding warning message is displayed in the web portal. You need the child device to reactivate the missing right. The simplest procedure is: Click on Child Control app and scroll down to "About the app". Here, a red button will signal you the missing rights. Select this button to reactivate the missing right directly from the app.

Having trouble activating? Message about Restricted Setting? See the following FAQ entry for more information.

Deactivates itself constantly?

If a certain right is constantly or regularly deactivated as if by itself, this may be due to unauthorized manipulation by the child. Here you can take certain precautions in the Security section (e.g. block settings entirely). Some manufacturers provide their Android devices with special energy-saving programs, which may deactivate these rights on the system side by itself. Check directly on the child device if Child Control is definitely excluded from battery saving measures. In some (very few) cases, the problem is also directly on the device. Especially with very cheap China import phones we could already observe such malfunctions. You are welcome to contact our support in case of problems (specifying brand and model).